Over the years, there have been hundreds upon hundreds of Batman action figures, and as any look through an old Kenner catalog will show, most of them are completely insane. From cosplaying as a viking to flying around on a jetpack that shoots a giant spring-loaded batarang to my personal favorite, the Knight Force Ninjas Power Kick version, it's gotten to the point where it's hard to imagine a limit to how the Caped Crusader can be imagined in plastic

But fortunately, we here at ComicsAlliance are dedicated to our task of imagining amazing things that don't actually exist, which is why we've turned to our pals at Let's Be Friends Again to provide us with what might be the only designs for Batman action figures that actually got rejected!

Hey Kids! You've thrilled to Batman's adventures in crime-fighting, and now you can re-enact what he does after those long days are over, when he hits the clubs for a Girls' Night Out with his best friends! And for the record, Batman is totally a Charlotte. (Cattywoman sold separately.)

Hey Kids! Batman has never been defeated in his battle against crime, and now you can help him win a different kind of battle -- a rap battle! Will Batman be able to master the secrets of the long lost 37th Chamber?! His fate is up to you! (Notorious J.O.K.E.R. sold separately)

Hey Kids! The battle against evil knows no boundaries, and neither does Batman's dedication! Help him stop crime before it starts -- in the nursery! (Embryonic Robin sold separately)

Hey Kids! A man can only spend so many nights writing about Batman before his mind snaps and leads to a deadly delusion! Will this self-professed "Batmanologist" become the Dark Knight's greatest ally -- or his most fearsome foe? (Eye-Rolling Laura Hudson sold separately.)

Guest Joke By David Wolkin: "There are seven ways to remember the story of Passover from this position. Something tells me to stop with the Matzah. I don't listen to it." (Robin's Bar Mitzvah Playset sold separately.)

Hello Childrens! This Superman action toy will be hour of fun as he travels to the Crime Town with his Pikachu, Alfred the Robin! Dedication to eliminating crime across planet Cybertron is his #1 mission! YO JOE!

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