Toys: The protagonists of Adventure Time and Regular Show are getting decked out in SDCC attire for their Comic-Con exclusive action figures from Toys 'R' Us. [USA Today]

Theme Parks: Dubai is set to get its own Marvel Adventure theme park by the end of 2013. [Emirates 247]

Gaming: HeroClix Online has announced new Captain America figures, which can be played on its Marvel boards. [HCO]

Lego: Flickr user Fredoichi builds a bricky homage to Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy. [The Brothers Brick]

Food: On July 4, those who cosplay as Spider-Man at Carl's Jr. or Hardee's will receive a free Grilled Cheese Bacon Burger in honor of the release of The Amazing Spider-Man movie. Just don't wear a mask. They'll think you're robbing the joint. [CarlsJr]

Art: Dave Rapoza is debuting perhaps his greatest print yet (IMO) at SDCC this year via Acme Archives Direct. Behold, the Red Ranger. [Dave Rapoza]

Music: Japanese fans will soon have access to a mega expensive 10-disc Mega Man soundtrack collecting the tunes from games 1-10 in an Energy Tank package. [G4]

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