Animation: The next animated feature from DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation will be Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, an adaptation of the 2011 Flashpoint DC Comics event. It's slated for a July 30 release on all of the usual formats. [Newsarama]

Toys: Diamond Select Toys and Art Asylum have revealed three more Iron Man 3 Minimates, including the Iron Man Mark 17, 33 and 41 armors. [Marvel]

Art: The Stumptown Comics Festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary with 10 exclusive posters (by artists including Tradd Moore, Faith Erin Hicks, Morgan Jeske and more). They'll all be for sale at the show in Portland April 27-28th. [SCF]

Movies: A new Space Pirate Captain Harlock movie poster shows Leiji Matsumoto's creation standing tall in CG style. [JEFusion]

Lego: David Frank's fantastic Lego recreation of Castle Grayskull... HAS THE POWER!!!!! [The Brothers Brick]

Crowdfunding: Having successfully surpassed its $50,000 fundraising goal, DC Entertainment's We Can Be Heroes indiegogo campaign is adding new perks as it continues raising money to fight hunger in the Horn of Africa. [The Source]

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