Animation: Disney has two new posters for its new Marvel adaptation, Big Hero 6, featuring Baymax and his creator, Hiro Hamada. Still no Marvel branding on any of it. [CBR]



Movies: Zak Penn, who wrote the screenplays for The Incredible Hulk and X-Men: The Last Stand, and who co-plotted The Avengers, is working with director Guillermo del Toro on the script for Pacific Rim 2. [Buzzfeed]



Gaming: This is how Cyborg will look in the new LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham game. [Twitter]


Graphic Novels: Marvel has a new trailer for its X-Men: No More Humans graphic novel by Mike Carey and Salvador Larroca. []


Television: Arrow star Stephen Amell says a scene in the show's season finale was supposed to feature Harley Quinn making another cameo, but it had to be cut for time. Maybe a DVD extra? [ComicBookMovie]



Movies: The newest Guardians of the Galaxy poster features Rocket Raccoon and Groot tearin' it up. [Fandango]

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