Link Ink: Dark Horse Digital Hits 70,000 Downloads, Keanu Opts Out of ‘Akira’ and ‘The Walking Dead’ Board Game

Digital Comics: Just three weeks into its digital initiative, Dark Horse Comics has hit 70,000 comic downloads. [Dark Horse]
Movies: Keanu Reeves has passed on a live action Akira role. Fankind thanks you, Keanu. [JoBlo]
Viralness: Warner Bros. has launched "Infinite Oath," a new Green Lantern movie promo that gives participants the power to record and upload their own GL Corps oath to the official GL movie site.
Grub: In Japan, First Baking's licensed Pokemon bread has turned 10. Its legacy of commercials will make you want to boogie down. [Kotaku]

Games: The Walking Dead is getting its very own board game from Z-Games later this summer. It'll run $39.99. [MTV Splash Page]

Toys: Hasbro's next Star Wars mailaway figure is a prototype armor Boba Fett. Customizers will likely dig it. [Super Punch]
Tech: RC airplanes are passe. RC Superhero's spin on the classic tech provides a vertical launch for the 21st century. [GeeksAreSexy]

Art: His all-white action figure may be awesome, but Boba Fett never looked so illuminated as in this Tiffany-style lamp. [Dorkly]
Toys: McFarlane Toys' upcoming The Walking Dead Lurker action figure will sport a pretty heady action feature. [Toynewsi]
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