Movies: The Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb has a new Twitter account, which he's so far used to tease images of Peter Parker chillin' on a street light. [Twitter]

Creators: Alex Pappademas examines the increasingly complicated legacy of Stan Lee in light of the release of The Avengers movie. [Grantland]

Movies: Catherine Zeta Jones is onboard to co-star in Red 2, which is set for an August 2, 2013 release. [EW]

Lego: Joe Meno built an awesome Lego Atomic Robo in honor of Free Comic Book Day. [Brick Journal]

Gaming: Namco Bandai Games has released a second video promoting Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation, the first free-to-play Gundam MMO for the PS3. [JEFusion]

More Lego: Hobby Media's discovery of Japanese Lego builder Ghimuretto San and his take on Kaneda's bike from Akira may have you racing to your blocks to replicate it. [Kotaku]

Gaming: HeroClix Online has added more than 70 new Marvel figures, including characters from The Avengers and the X-Men. [HCO]

Video: Sanity Free Zone compresses Michael Bay's Transformers movies into one minute of CGI footage. [Topless Robot]

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