Link Ink: Street Fighter Minifigs and ‘Nois’ Lane?
: Jesse McCartney has joined the growing cast of Fox's upcoming Locke & Key TV pilot. [Deadline]
Materials: Is the quality of bristol board on the decline? Perhaps. [The Daily Cartoonist]
Photography: Jonathan Anderson and Edwin Low's Manga Dreams exhibit immerses real subjects in a manga-style world. [Underwire]
Toys: Julian Fong knows that Lego minifigs and Street Fighter are a winning combo. [Kotaku]
Charts: Ever wonder what job you'd have in the Star Wars universe. There's a flowchart for that. Hint: We can't all be Jedi and Sith Lords. [NerdBastards]
Space: NASA images have revealed some awesome avalanches on Mars. We hope only White Martians were injured. [Huffpo]
Movies: Looks like the female lead in Zack Snyder's Superman movie won't be Lois Lane. Or maybe Hollywood is just trying to make Chris Sims' head explode? [Variety]
Gaming: DC Universe Online subscriptions are going on sale in February on the PS3. Maybe now I'll subscribe... [Joystiq]
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