Horror: Muppets don't have people eyes for a reason. [Topless Robot]

Piracy: TorrentFreak more or less reports that sci-fi is the most pirated genre of TV programming. [Blastr]

Lifestyle: Need some comic book recommendations for casual fans into movie fare? CA's own David Brothers has you covered. [Moviefone]

Digital Comics: Christmas may be over, but any lingering seasonal spirit can surely be enjoyed alongside Jeffery Brown's special Incredible Change-Bots strip. [CBR]

Webcomics: Incidental Comics explains why it's okay to abandon your 2011 resolutions. [The Daily What]

Gaming: As many great games as the NES had, College humor points out a few "forgotten" titles that might have been fun to play during the '80s. [College Humor]

Toys: Peanuts meets Star Wars in this action figure mashup by Tom Torrey. [Super Punch]

WTF: Tentacle Grape soda is... back? [Japanator]

Toys: Hot Toys' Iron Man Mark V has so many of the accessories for the accessorizing. [Tomopop]

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