Anime: Kodansha and creator Naoko Takeuchi have announced that a new anime adaptation of the Sailor Moon manga is in the works. Apparently it won't be a film, so it's possible a new series or some other anime project. [ANN]

TV: Nickelodeon's new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CG animated series will debut on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 11 a.m., with two back-to-back episodes. [EW]

Gaming: The latest trailer for the European/North American port of One Piece: Pirate Warriors on the PS3 sees Luffy take on Pacifista. [ANN]

Toys: Star Trek is getting the KRE-O brick toy treatment from Hasbro soon. [KRE-O]

Gaming: Activision is working on a new first-person shooter based on AMC's TV adaptation of The Walking Dead. [IGN]

Movies: The first poster for Guillermo del Toro's upcoming mech vs. monster film, Pacific Rim, has finally been released. [Empire]

Gaming: Dragon Ball Z for Kinect will apparently feature new DBZ animation and a playable Super Saiyan Bardock. [Crunchyroll]

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