In honor of the 20th anniversary of Sailor Moon, Bandai's cosmetics line Creer Beaute announced the release of cosmetics inspired by Usagi Tsukino (aka Serena, if you grew up with the dubbed series). Creer Beaute's Miracle Romance Shining Moon Powder appears to be both a blush and an illuminating powder, and is encased in a compact that closely resembles Sailor Moon's Crystal Star Transformation Brooch. The compact also doubles as a necklace for those of you who want to channel your inner magical girl without having to sacrifice $100+ on vintage Sailor Moon toys on eBay. The compact is currently available for pre-order for ¥3980 (approximately $41) on Bandai, and will ship in Fall 2013.
Back when I was an impressionable teen, I used to watch a ton of Anime Music Videos. I assume they're still around (especially now that you don't have to spend all night downloading them on Usenet), but on the off chance that you're not familiar, the idea was that people would edit together scenes from anime to one of the popular tunes of the day...
Movies: New Iron Man 3 footage shown during this past weekend's MTV Movie Awards sees Tony Stark chuck a piano at the Mandarin.
		Plush: It looks like Mickey Mouse will finally start cosplaying as Marvel heroes like Spider-Man and the Hulk in plushie form this October...
Naoko Takeuchi's (the one named) Sailor Moon has been battling evil for 20 years across manga, anime, live action television and even the stage, but unlike a lot of her magical girl contemporaries, the heroine's fashion doll/statue to action figure ratio is staggeringly imbalanced...
Anime: Kodansha and creator Naoko Takeuchi have announced that a new anime adaptation of the Sailor Moon manga is in the works. Apparently it won't be a film, so it's possible a new series or some other anime project.
TV: Nickelodeon's new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CG animated series will debut on Saturday, Sept...
We are not the mainstream.
That's a truth understood by anyone who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered or in any other way queer. We are not the audience. We are not the market. We are not the people.
It's also a truth understood by a lot of people with a passion for comics...
I think we can all agree that if there was a major flaw in this year's Avengers movie, it was that the characters were not Sailor Scouts. Fortunately, we live in an era where such grievous oversights can be corrected. In this case, it comes courtesy of artist Ann Marcellino, who gave the Earth's Mightiest Heroes a new look by mashing up the Avengers and Loki with Sailor Moon...
If you're a casual fan of Sailor Moon, then you probably already know about the live-action series that aired in Japan from 2003 to 2004. What you may not be aware of, however, is that before the anime made it to America, there were plans for another live-action series, produced in America as a...
The familiar sailor suits of the Sailor Senshi get a series of dramatic and fashionable reinterpretations by Abraham Cruz aka PandaRojo07 on DeviantArt. Check out his gallery for more (and bigger) Sailor Moon redesigns!
Sailor Mars
Sailor Venus
Sailor Nepture
Chibi Moon
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Saturn