Link Ink: New Studio Ghibli Films, Educational Comics And ‘Mario Warfare’
Animation: Studio Ghibli has revealed posters for its next two animated feature films, Kaze Tachinu and Kaguya-hime no Monogatari, both set for release in Japan this summer. [Crunchyroll]
Webcomics: Second Quest artist David Hellman has reunited with writer Dale Beran after five years for more A Lesson is Learned, But the Damage is Irreversible. [ALiLBtDiI]
Video: Mario Warfare is cool and all, but it's no Super Mario Bros. (This ain't no game!) I confess I could be terribly wrongheaded in my opinion, though! [Beatdownboogie]
Archives: The Educational Comics Collection acts as an awesome library of free digital, you know, educational comics. [The Comics Reporter]
Gaming: Kikaider pops up in a fun new PlayStation ad. [Kotaku]
Customs: Mark Nagata's Avengers Negoras are the kaiju cat's pajamas. [Tomopop]