Link Ink: ‘Super Dinosaur’ Stirs, Green Lantern is Everywhere and C-3PO Swims

All Ages: Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard's all-ages Super Dinosaur is coming in 2011 and seems like something of a Tyco Dino Riders rebirth in my humble opinion. I'm with Kirkman on wanting some action figures. [CBR]
Movies: It looks like this summer's Green Lantern movie won't include a Clark Kent cameo despite it appearing in early scripts. [MTV Splash Page]
Industry: Former Zuda head Ron Perazza has announced that he's taken the position of VP of Online for DC Entertainment. It's good to see DC keeping a true believer in digital comics in a position to help move the industry forward. [Twitter]

Art: James White proves that creating the perfect Green Lantern poster takes some serious chops and more than a few man hours. [signalnoise]

Toys: Cobra Commander has been many things over the years, but rarely cuddly. Leave it to toymaker kittyzilla to change that. [Super Punch]
Gaming: DC Universe Online Game Director Chris Cao shows off the physics of Sony's upcoming MMORPG with combat-heavy in-game footage. [DCUO]

Threads: Ladies now have the option of both R2-D2 and C-3PO swimwear should they choose to get their watery droid on. [The Nerdy Bird]

Toys: Mezco Toys is doing up Hal Jordan and Sinestro in their GL suits as Mez-Its, which are slated to arrive in stores ahead of the Green Lantern movie's June release date. [MTV Geek]
Gaming: Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime may not have the original voice cast or FPS setup of Atari's first GB outing, but it still looks like a hoot thus far. [Joystiq]
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