Books: The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, a new book detailing Christopher Nolan's series of Batman films, is now available for preorder, with an expected July 28 release. [Amazon]

TV: Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is rumored to have been canceled to make room for a new animated series, Avengers Assemble. [MarvelTVNews]

Movies: A new Man of Steel corporate image gives fans a closer look at the film's version of Superman's iconic "S." [Collider]

Tech: Japanese fans will be able to get a Neon Genesis Evangelion "NERV Edition" Sharp SH-06D phone starting June 29. [Engadget]

Movies: Behind-the-scenes footage from The Avengers movie gives fans a look at what went into making the CGI Hulk blend in with his human co-stars. [SHH]

Toys: TopatoCo is now carrying Nedroid star Beartato in $20 Mini Squishable form. [TopatoCo]

Gaming: The official E3 trailer for One Piece: Pirate Warriors on the PlatyStation 3 seems to indicate that Namco Bandai won't make North American fans suffer through an English dub when the game gets ported in November. [Crunchyroll]

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