Link Ink: An Alternate ‘Amazing Spider-Man 2′ Ending, Baxter Stockman’s New Look And The Blocko Store
Movies: It seems The Amazing Spider-Man 2 almost had a different, more Osborne-centric ending... that may pay off in ASM3. [ScreenCrush]
Toys: Playmates' action figure take on the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series' Baxter Stockman looks fly. [Playmates]
Crime: If you embezzle money to buy Batman comics, justice will eventually find you. [Robot6/The Houston Chronicle]
Movies: The Next Generation Patlabor movie endorses cycling. It's green and good for you -- just like piloting police mech?. [JEFusion]
LEGO: Before The Simpsons and LEGO officially teamed up, Blocko was the big analogue for the blocky brand in Springfield. Matt De Lanoy celebrates the old ways in a metafictional build of the Blocko store. [The Brothers Brick]
Toys: Funko's new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Metal Mix Leonardo Hikari Sofubi vinyl figure is set to arrive in July, with more Hikari's to follow. [Entertainment Earth]