‘Logan’ Doesn’t Have a Post-Credits Scene, But It Does Have Something Extra
A couple weeks back, 20th Century Fox released the final runtime for Logan — and it was a few minutes longer than the version that screened for press and industry folks, leading many to speculate that there was a post-credits scene attached. Given previous rumors that Ryan Reynolds had filmed a Deadpool scene for the Wolverine sequel, it was reasonable to suspect that perhaps Logan had a teaser for Deadpool 2 attached at the end. James Mangold denied these rumors, on all counts, but we now know exactly what is attached to Logan, and it both isn’t and is what you think. Spoilers ahead!
/Film received some intel earlier this morning regarding Logan’s curiously extended runtime. As it turns out, the film doesn’t have a post-credits scene, but it does have a little extra something special for X-fans. There’s a “secret” teaser attached to the beginning of the film (so, basically just a teaser) for — you’ve probably already guessed it — Deadpool 2.
This makes the prior rumors both true and false, to an extent. Yes, David Leitch filmed the Deadpool 2 teaser with Ryan Reynolds not that long ago. And yes, it appears to have been specifically for the release of Logan. While we have no idea when or if this teaser will appear online, /Film does have a full description of the footage, which gives fans a solid idea about what to expect from Leitch, best known as the co-director of the first John Wick movie.
Even more spoilers ahead!
Apparently, not one, but two sources reached out to /Film to offer details from the Deadpool 2 teaser. There seems to be some slight inconsistency between the two, but essentially, the teaser features Wade Wilson (wearing a hoodie to obscure his scars) stumbling upon two dudes fighting in an alley. He then rushes to a phone booth to get changed while John Williams’ classic Superman score plays. But Wade takes a little too long to change, and by the time he returns, one of the guys is dead and the other is gone. And then Stan Lee pops in for a cameo. There are more details in the original report, but that’s the gist of it.
We’ll post the teaser online if and when it’s made available. Until then, Logan (with a Deadpool 2 teaser, apparently) hits theaters tonight.
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