New Superman Game Coming To iOS Devices In November

A classic-style Superman will star in a new iOS videogame this November, putting the Man of Steel on Apple's iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. IGN broke the news with a first-look at the Tiger Games title, including a gallery of screen shots demonstrating a number of gameplay situations players will encounter including what looks like some meteor smashing and convict wrangling. The game will apparently have 18 levels that tap Superman's various powers in different capacities.Lex Luthor will reportedly star as the game's main antagonist, with Kryptonite sure to figure into combat situations. How else are villains supposed to hurt him? A clock is also prominent in screen shots, suggesting countdown-related game play or some kind of time limit impositions might be a part of the game (as they have in the past).
The release doesn't have ties to DC's other multimedia projects such as DC's rebooted Action Comics or Superman or Zack Snyder's Man of Steel movie coming in 2013 and will seemingly take place in a self-contained continuity.
Check out screen shots of the upcoming Superman iOS game from IGN below:

[Via IGN]
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