Premiering this July, Animation Domination High Def (or ADHD, as it is wryly known) is a block of adult-orientated animated series and shorts meant to broadcast on Saturday nights on the Fox television network and supervised by Nick Weidenfeld, an executive formerly of Adult Swim. ADHD will be the home of the much anticipated Axe Cop cartoon, based on the hit Dark Horse comic book series, as well as this most amusing and possibly obscene short that imagines Marvel's Spider-Man if he were to truly take on the traits of that decidedly gross arachnid. The video, which you can see below, contains numerous depictions and references to penis-removal, which may or may not be considered unsafe for work depending upon what universe you're living in.

While the ADHD block doesn't transmit on television until July, a good chunk of material is already available online. We've previously posted the trailer for Axe Cop and the Louis C.K./Peanuts mashup, but make sure you also check out this video entitled "Harlem Shake: '90s Cartoon Edition," which appears to be directly inspired by ComicsAlliance's own Power Rangers expert Caleb Goellner.

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