From Blackest Night to Flashpoint, today's super-hero comics are all built around the Big Event. But what if those stories had happened forty, fifty, or even sixty years ago? That's the question that ComicsAlliance is trying to answer with the help of artist Kerry Callen (who drew the incredible "Silver Age Marvel" pieces), by reimagining how the biggest modern-day DC Comics event comics would have looked in the Silver Age! This week, we find out how Grant Morrison's Final Crisis would've looked if the Day Evil Won happened in the Silver Age!

Check out the story behind it and the full-sized cover below!

In this issue:

People all over the world are caught up in Beatlemania, but when the love of England's top pop stars stretches across the galaxy, it's nothing but trouble for the World's Finest Team! Seeking out their new favorite group, a gang of evil aliens from the planet "Apokolips" descends on Earth, kidnapping Batman and issuing a single demand: The Caped Crusader for the Fab Four!

Now, with Earth completely taken over by the forces of evil, it's up to Superman to defeat the villainous Darkseid through the power of rock 'n' roll! But will even the Man of Steel's Super-Singing be enough to stop... The Final Crisis?!

Silver Age Remix Back Issues:

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