
Josh Ln's 'Hero-Glyphics' Take Pop Culture Back To Ancient Egypt With The Avengers, The X-Men And More
Josh Ln's 'Hero-Glyphics' Take Pop Culture Back To Ancient Egypt With The Avengers, The X-Men And More
Josh Ln's 'Hero-Glyphics' Take Pop Culture Back To Ancient Egypt With The Avengers, The X-Men And More
When you think about ancient Egyptian superheroes, there aren't a whole lot that come to mind. Apocalypse was around back then, right? And presumably there was some version of Moon Knight running around before the Fist of Khonshu was a dude who hung out with a French helicopter pilot, but really, that's all that comes to mind off the top of my head. But what if... what if... there were more? That
Mark Millar Promotes ‘Kick-Ass 2′ by Telling Readers ‘Don’t Buy Digital’
Mark Millar Promotes ‘Kick-Ass 2′ by Telling Readers ‘Don’t Buy Digital’
Mark Millar Promotes ‘Kick-Ass 2′ by Telling Readers ‘Don’t Buy Digital’
Mark Millar's earned a reputation as an aggressive self-promoter over the years, often using crass advertising to sell his projects -- a technique that's paid off in issues sold and titles adapted to feature films and other multimedia. In an interview posted at Comic Book Resources today, the creator has taken a new, but similarly brazen approach to peddling his work, with a banner that reads &quo
An Era Ends as Mark Millar Leaves Marvel for Creator-Owned Work
An Era Ends as Mark Millar Leaves Marvel for Creator-Owned Work
An Era Ends as Mark Millar Leaves Marvel for Creator-Owned Work
Comic book writer Mark Millar completed this week what he claims was his final script for Marvel Comics, presumably an issue of Ultimate Comics Avengers Vs. New Ultimates. Millar has enjoyed uncommon commercial success with many of his creator-owned properties, most notably Wanted and Kick-Ass, and he intends to pursue more work along those lines...
‘Kick-Ass’ Beats Down Iron Man in Illegal Downloads
‘Kick-Ass’ Beats Down Iron Man in Illegal Downloads
‘Kick-Ass’ Beats Down Iron Man in Illegal Downloads
BitTorrent oracle TorrentFreak is reporting that Kick-Ass, the film based on the Marvel/Icon comic book by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr., was the second-most illegally downloaded film of 2010, "losing" out to Avatar. Perhaps surprisingly, the decently successful Kick-Ass "boasts" an impressive 11...
Link Ink: Lionsgate Gets Dredd, Lego Star Wars Redeems Jar Jar and Elvira’s Sarah Impalin’
Link Ink: Lionsgate Gets Dredd, Lego Star Wars Redeems Jar Jar and Elvira’s Sarah Impalin’
Link Ink: Lionsgate Gets Dredd, Lego Star Wars Redeems Jar Jar and Elvira’s Sarah Impalin’
Hollywood: Lionsgate is making theirs Mega City by picking up the new 3D Judge Dredd movie, Dredd, starring Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby. That's right Liony of them, it is. Gaming: If you were frustrated that the initial release of the mobile Kick-Ass videogame didn't live up to its name, a new update will supposedly change your mind on November 9 with improved graphics and gameplay...
‘Kick-Ass 2′ #1: A Straight to Paper Movie [Review]
‘Kick-Ass 2′ #1: A Straight to Paper Movie [Review]
‘Kick-Ass 2′ #1: A Straight to Paper Movie [Review]
Of late, Mark Millar seems quite interested in making movies. And I, for one, encourage him in this goal. But as his writing has skewed even more towards over-the-top action scenes and a number of his original titles have been turned into successful films, I can't help but get the sense that Millar has started to move past comics...
Link Ink: Craig Thompson Finishes ‘Habibi,’ Steven Tyler Sings ‘Yamato,’ and Scott Pilgrim Prints 1 Million
Link Ink: Craig Thompson Finishes ‘Habibi,’ Steven Tyler Sings ‘Yamato,’ and Scott Pilgrim Prints 1 Million
Link Ink: Craig Thompson Finishes ‘Habibi,’ Steven Tyler Sings ‘Yamato,’ and Scott Pilgrim Prints 1 Million
Creators: "Blankets" creator Craig Thompson has wrapped his initial draft of the 700-page "Habibi." Now to wait for the final product. Heroes: Ron Richards takes a tongue-in-cheek look at Marvel's Heroic Age "Superheroes" sourcebook in which Steve Rogers basically does drugs and sizes up his contemporaries...
The Lazy Narrative of the Comic Book Movie ‘Flop’
The Lazy Narrative of the Comic Book Movie ‘Flop’
The Lazy Narrative of the Comic Book Movie ‘Flop’
It may come as a surprise to you that "Kick-Ass," the film version of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.'s popular Icon comic book, was a pretty big hit. Indeed, the Matthew Vaughn film earned nearly 100 million dollars in cinemas worldwide, with final home video, digital download and television sales yet to be tallied...
‘Kick-Ass’ Coming Back for a Comic Book and Movie Sequel
‘Kick-Ass’ Coming Back for a Comic Book and Movie Sequel
‘Kick-Ass’ Coming Back for a Comic Book and Movie Sequel
Yesterday, Mark Millar (co-creator of "Kick-Ass" and "Wanted") announced not only that a comic book sequel to "Kick-Ass" is coming this September, but that the second movie -- "Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall" -- is scheduled to begin production in 2011 and will be released in theaters in 2012 ...

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