The Superpoll: Pratt vs. Evans, Round IV: Prattworld vs. Evansworld
Chris Evans and Chris Pratt have made a bet on the outcome of this weekend's Super Bowl that will see one of them show up at the other's choice of children's hospital or hospice in their Marvel superhero costume brandishing their rival's team colors. Either Captain America will carry the flag of Pratt's Seattle Seahawks, or Star-Lord will don the jersey of Evans's New England Patriots. We couldn't let this titanic tussle between two of Marvel's super-Chrisses pass by without a contest of our own, so we're pitting the worlds of Star-Lord and Captain America head-to-head in a series of polls that we call... the Superpoll.
Round three saw Avengers take on Guardians, and it looked like it might go either way, but at the time of this writing the Guardians could dominate two of the five contests thanks to Groot and Rocket Raccoon, while the Avengers are pulling ahead in three thanks to Black Widow, Hulk, and Hawkeye -- who has astonishingly pulled off an upset against a troll doll. But everything could still change, as today we explore the cinematic worlds and nerdy careers of Chris Pratt and Chris Evans. Welcome to the Superpoll: Round IV.
Once you've voted, you can make a donation to the Seattle Children's Hospital (Pratt's choice) or Christopher's Haven (Evans' choice), and tell all your friends to come here and vote as well! You can also still vote in Round One, Round Two and Round Three.
Polls close Friday 30th January at 10am EST. Come back tomorrow for the grand final of The Superpoll: Pratt Vs. Evans.
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