Weekend Contest: Win a Copy of the Sold Out ‘Duncan the Wonder Dog’
2010 was a big year for talking animals in the pages of comics like Beasts of Burden, Avengers Vs. Pet Avengers and Duncan the Wonder Dog. In fact,we've been talking about how great Duncan the Wonder Dog is for the last two days, but as many people have noticed, the book is sold out until a reprint comes in from Adhouse in March. Fortunately, we are here, as always, to help, and have procured one of the last copies of the book available anywhere. And we're giving it to you.
How do you win it? Simple: Tell us your favorite comic book animal, and what you think they would have to say if they had the power of speech.Would Comet the Super-Horse elaborate on his pre-crisis origin? Would Spider Jerusalem's three-eyed "The Cat" admit to a catnip problem? Surely Ace the Bat-Hound would have something to say about issues of globalization in Batman, Inc.? We want to know what you think your favorite, traditionally silent animal character from comics would say if they could speak up.
Leave a link to your entry in the comments here, or e-mail us your entry, and we'll do the rest. The contest ends at 12:01 AM on Monday, January 3rd. Please click here to read the official rules.