Wizard Magazine Drops Message Board, Price Guide
Wizard Magazine continues to die the death by a thousand cuts, and this month they're dropping their long-running price guide section, which detailed the rise and fall of back issue prices. As I am no longer 12 and waiting with bated breath to see whether my NM issue of "Shi" #1 has gone red or blue this month, it is very hard to care about this, and if it means that fewer people regard comics as a speculator market where they can make bank by buying all the variant covers their arms can carry and carefully sealing then into plastic sarcophagi, then I applaud it.
The second half of the one-two punch is that shortly thereafter, Collins announced that the message board where many readers were complaining vocally about the loss of the price guide had itself had been shut down.
Finally, Agent M reports that at least one intern at the Marvel offices today understands the true meaning of fear, and showed up wearing a Gareb Shamus mask. Tis the season, kids. If anyone dresses up like zombie Wizard Magazine for Halloween, be sure to send me a pic.