
Smallville Review: All in the Family
Right in time for Thanksgiving, when we'll all be dealing with our own families, comes this week's 'Smallville,' where Clark and Kara/Supergirl are visited by Clark's biological mother, Lara (or at least her replicate from the crystal) and Kara's father, Zor-El (again, his replicate)...

Smallville Episode Review: Lana Lang’s Wrath
Lana haters probably weren't too thrilled with the concept of this week's episode and giving her so much face/screen time. Personally, I was kind of into it. Until recently, Lana was my favorite character. Now, I admit she's gotten mega-annoying, only to be outplaced by Lois

Smallville Episode 6: Some Pretty Super Girls
Now THIS is what I'm talking about. This week's episode ranked high on my "good 'Smallville' episode" meter and next week's looks even better!
The focus now was all on Super girl aka Kara. When we last saw her, she peaced out on Clark after he hesitated to trust her word over that of the Martian Manhunter...
The Top 15 Hottest Comic Book Hunks
You know that saying "when the cat's away, the mouse will play"? My boss Carol (who so awesomely did the top 15 babes gallery) was in the middle of creating one of the hot guys of comics before she left on vacay to the islands. Being the amazing employee I am, I thought I'd help her out and finish up the project and post...

Smallville Review: Another Comic Goes Hollywood
"In the comic book world when you're destined to save mankind, you're destined to be alone." -Lex
Hollywood comes to Smallville this week as the fictional comic book 'Warrior Angel' goes into film production. We;ve got guest star Christina Milian (you know her from big songs like 'Dip It Low' and 'AM to PM') as the film's lead actress Rachel Davenport and right away the starlet finds her

Smallville Review: No Easy Cure
Next in the line of Superman spin-off cameos comes tonight's episode 'Cure', guest starring Dean Cain from 'Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman' fame. Personally, I've been waiting for this particular cameo and wish Teri Hatcher would take a break from 'Desperate Housewives' and show up, too...

Smallville Episode 3: All-Kryptonian Girl
The third episode of the season (titled 'Fierce') features our supergirl Kara trying to fit in on Earth. Naturally the best way to do this is by entering a beauty pageant (Miss Sweet Corn). Right away we find a trio of super hot BFFs fighting for the same crown

Smallville: Super Hot Family
Hellooooooooooooo Supergirl! Apparently, the El family genes are amazing, seeing as both Clark and Kara are TOTALLY HOT! Any arguments there?? Didn't think so ...
This week's episode was all about Kara (played by Laura Vandervoort), introducing her formally into the 'Smallville' world

‘Smallville’ Season 7 Premiere: How Bizarro!
As with every season finale in the 'Smallville' realm, last season left us hanging with one calamity after the next and millions of questions. #1 Are Chloe and Lana really dead? #2 Did Lex kill Lana, his wife? #3 How will Clark defeat his Bizarro phantom nemesis...