A number of press outlets have been invited to visit the DC Entertainment offices in New York and Los Angeles to inspect material pertaining to Before Watchmen, DC Comics' controversial expansion of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' hugely popular and influential superhero graphic novel. Among those news sources is Buzzfeed, who was permitted to take photographs of prepared artwork that includes a number of character designs by artists Amanda Conner, Darwyn Cooke, Lee Bermejo, Andy Kubert, Joe Kubert, Jae Lee and John Higgins. Based on the material you can see after the cut, it seems that whatever its creators or critics have to say about the ethics of Before Watchmen, the project will come with some very handsome artwork.Click all images for larger versions.

Ozymandias by Jae Lee

Rorschach by Lee Bermejo

Silk Spectre by Amanda Conner

The Crimson Corsair by John Higgins

Silhouette by Darwyn Cooke

Captain Metropolis by Darwyn Cooke

Silk Spectre by Darwyn Cooke

Rorschach by Lee Bermejo

Hooded Justice by Darwyn Cooke

Comedian by Darwyn Cooke

Nite Owl by Darwyn Cooke

Buzzfeed was also given a tour of DC Comics in New York, which included visits to the offices of Co-Publisher Dan DiDio, Senior VP Art Direction Mark Chiarello and Before Watchmen editor Will Dennis.

Dan DiDio

Mark Chiarello

Will Dennis

You can see more Before Watchmen artwork here more from the DC offices here.

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