Best Webcomics Ever (This Week) 2.19.12

Hey everyone, thanks for coming back to another round-up of Best Webcomics Ever (This Week). It's been a little crazy on the site this last week, but I know some of you aren't really all that concerned with trivial nerd fights or meta-jokes, so . . . let's get on with it, shall we?
And, as always, I really appreciate your comments, suggestions, concerns, etc. as they help me find new material and get better highlighting things you care about reading. Thank you, really.
Alright. Ready? Let's do it.Before jumping into this week's picks, there's a strange story out of Portland, OR that has a webcomic component. If you didn't hear, in our lovely city on Valentine's Day a man was seen getting out of his car at a local grocery store chain, where witnesses saw a young woman naked and tied up in the back of his vehicle. The man said they were just doing some kinky roll-playing, but police decided to follow-up anyway, as they most definitely should have. Because, let's face it, you're not going to take the dude with a naked lady tied up in his car at his word. We don't like in that kind of world.

Long story short - the couple was indeed just having a little fun, but the police booked them on disorderly conduct and took them to jail. Personally, I think they should have just been given a ticket or something, but whatever, waste more of my tax money, why not? It's not like schools desperately need it . . .
Anyway! The point is that this couple is known for doing wacky things all over town and was the source of parody in a webcomic over a year ago, before their latest escapde got them in trouble with the law. Life is strange. And more importantly, I seriously want to party with those people. (Thanks to artist Steve Lieber for the tip!)

Chaos Life is more like a graphic diary than a serialized webcomic story, but the style is so clean, and the slice-of-life jokes so charming that it manages to be a cut above the rest. Also, I lurve it because it haz teh cats - wut.

I feel like there should be a block of text here, not for any substantial reason, but simply because it will make the page look better in the overall layout now that I've added a stupid cat meme image. You just wasted a few seconds of your precious life reading this sentence. Oh well. Moving on . . . .

Draw Brandon Draw really isn't a webcomic either, it's more of a Tumblr that often features webcomics that are funny and weird. If you're a funny and/or weird person, then you will probably enjoy/like this website. You might like Handmade by Ai as well, it's pretty sweet.
To be completely honest, I'm not really sure what's happening in this series sometimes. The story is told both in pictures and text, so it's not as easy as most standard webcomics to follow. Plus, almost all of the action takes place in a dream world with absurd characters that pop in and out at almost random times. But, maybe all the confusion is actually a good reason to enjoy the series. The art changes often, but is always unique, which is great. Rosetta Stone probably isn't for everyone, but I'm glad to see a creator experimenting with the medium and have the freedom to make whatever they like.
Since we're celebrating erotic comics on the site in February, I thought I'd tip everyne off to a series called Norse: Dawn of the Shield Maiden. The series is super NSFW, so don't say I didn't warn ya. The art is very well done, even though all the females in the series have impossibly large breasts, but hey - it's a pornographic comics, that's kinda its thing. So far there hasn't been any naked ladies kicking serious ass on the battle field, which I really hope eventually happens, but there has been some sex. It's hard to say whether this series will be more sex or more violence, but in any case, I just hope both are done well and in a manner that can appeal to both sexes.
That's it for this week. Thanks for reading, and please leave your suggestions in the comment section below. I hope you'll come back next week, and if you didn't like anything from this week's list, then check out previous recommendations as I've now highlighted over fifty excellent webcomics that you can read for free. Cheers!
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