One of the highlights of last weekend's Emerald City Comic-Con in Seattle for me was a secluded spot in the basement of the convention center that was absolutely packed with Lego. Not just people selling Lego, but some extraordinary structural works built entirely out of Lego, including giant superhero heads and an entire city overrun with heroes and villains. But the standout, spread across several tables, was a Lego tribute to David Petersen's Mouse Guard, with little custom mouse minifigs going on quests, setting off to sea, and sneaking around a terrifying giant owl.

It's easy to see how David Petersen's wonderful world of tiny epic adventures could inspire such a vast undertaking. Petersen's work is gorgeous, and the wonder that infuses it carries through into the work being done by other authors in Archaia's Legends of the Guard stories. We have a preview of the second issue, featuring contributions from Kyla Vanderklugt, Dustin Nguyen, C.M. Galdre, and Nicole Gustafsson. These are stories that can delight young minds just as easily as a room full of Lego!

(Note that Lego does not make any official Mouse Guard sets. But it absolutely should.)











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Here's the solicitation info for the issue:

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #2 (of 4)
Publisher: Archaia, an imprint of BOOM! Studios
Authors: David Petersen, Dustin Nguyen, Kyla Vanderklugt and C.M. Galdre
Artists: David Petersen, Dustin Nguyen, Kyla Vanderklugt, and Nicole Gustafsson
Cover Artist: David Petersen
Price: $3.99
Synopsis: Gather ‘round in the June Alley Inn for more mouse tales. Dustin Nguyen (Batman: Li’l Gotham) tells the story of a dying raven, while Kyla Vanderklugt (Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Witches) spins a tale of a lovely and brave mouse dancer, and C.M. Galdre (Duelist) and Nicole Gustaffson (Nimasprout) tell the story of a town whose protective walls have fallen.

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