This week, Boom! Studios released The Walt Disney Treasury: Donald Duck vol. 1, a 160-page collection of stories about Duckburg's resident top-blower by cartoonist Don Rosa. Rosa may be best known for The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, the meticulous chronicle of Donald's adventurous uncle based on the works of the legendary Carl Barks, but he was the primary artist of the Duck comics for over 20 years, and the stories printed here are an incredible collection of his work.

But there's one additional touch to the collection that makes for a very interesting look at Rosa's process: An unfinished, previously unpublished story that sees Donald visiting Disney's MGM Studios theme park in search of Mickey Mouse's autograph. And not only has Boom! restored it to its chronological place in Rosa's works, but you can read the whole ten-page story right here at ComicsAlliance!

Even though story was never finished, the strength of Rosa's cartooning comes through even with the roughs, as does his ability to tell a story that's genuinely entertaining even while doing promotional work for a theme park. If nothing else, the mistaken identity gag makes the whole thing worth it, and the fact that he's that good in roughs just underlines how great the rest of the collection is, especially since it features classics like "Return to Plain Awful,"

The Walt Disney Collection: Donald Duck vol. 1 is in stores now from Boom! Studios with a cover price of $14.99, and it's well worth checking out.

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