iVerse Media Demos New Multi-Device Reader in Time for iPad Launch
With the iPad's April 3 release date marching steadily forward, formal digital comic application announcements seem to be rolling in just in time. We've already taken a look at Comic Zeal's screen shots and an early demo of ComiXology's iPad concept, but iVerse Media's new app announcement and corresponding video may be the most comprehensive thus far.

While iVerse had previously sold its comics as individual apps (think digital single issues), it's now adopting more of a Panelfly/ComiXology/Clickwheel model with an iTunesish app that provides a reader, store and database in one stop. One thing that stands out about iVerse's new reader, though, is that it's multiplatform. It's not just for the iPad, it's also for the iPhone, iPod Touch - it's universal, baby!
Another appreciated feature? Those who already own iVerse Comics on the iPhone et al can download new, high res, iPad files of comics they've already purchased for free, which I think is pretty dadburn considerate.
Check out iVerse's video demo after the jump.
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