Link Ink: The Bat-Stache, a Stained Glass Iron Man Lamp and a Metal ‘DuckTales’ Theme
Facial Hair: Reddit shares the beauty of this man's Bat-stache with the world. [Reddit]
Manga: Excel Saga creator Rikdo Koshi's next series, Ageha, will launch in the July issue of Japan's Young King Ours. [Crunchyroll]
Culture: Umika Pidaparthy profiles the Indian comic book community for Geek Out!, providing an interesting look at an evolving scene. [CNN]
Fresh Ink! Online: Blair Butler is joined by Ed Laroche (Almighty) to talk Air Gear, Death Note, Street Angel, No Longer Human, A Tale of Sand, Near Death, Womanthology, The Nightly News and Marshall Law. [G4]
Radvertising: Batman Begins got promoted with Bat-signal stickers atop floor lights in New Zealand once upon a time. Perhaps someone will use the same tactic for The Dark Knight Rises? [Super Punch]
Toys: Hot Toys' upcoming 3" The Amazing Spider-Man cosbaby will feature some battle damage. [Hot Toys]
Furniture: Michael McLane's stained glass Iron Man looks lamp a little too brittle for battle, but beautiful nonetheless. [Neatorama]
Video: TheHumanTim puts his rock and roll spin on the DuckTales theme. [Topless Robot]