Link Ink: ‘Game Of Thrones’ Cupcakes, ‘Animal Man’ Advocacy And New Digimon

Design: RedBubble is coming to NYCC next month and t-shirt designers can get in on the visit by entering a contest to have their design printed and distributed at the show, among other even bigger prizes. [Redbubble]

Motion Comics: The Mexican government is using motion comics in an effort to manage public perception of often glamorized drug cartels. [Wired]

Art: Ty Lettau imagines pixelated Nintendo heroes as model kits. I'd buy all of these if they were real. [Kotaku]

Education: If you're into learning about electronics, Jody Culkin's Arduino platform comic will be right up your alley. It's also a good read if you just need a quick refresher on the basics of how your Mother Box works. [Boing Boing]

Anime: Has your heart been aching for a proper Digimon fix? New series Digimon Xros Wars: Toki o Kakeru ShÅnen Hunter-tachi may help you heal inside. [ANN]
Tools: Engadget has some hands-on video and images of Wacom's Inkling digital drawing device, which make October a little harder to wait for. [Engadget]
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