Link Ink: Tony Stark In The Snow, Gerry Anderson’s Legacy And A Deluxe Lance Of Longinus
Movies: Tony Stark wishes us all happy holidays in a new still from the upcoming Iron Man 3 movie. Hopefully that includes a happy new year, too. [Iron Man]
Creators: Thunderbirds creator Gerry Anderson passed away yesterday at the age of 83 after influencing generations with his numerous sci-fi TV series. [Jamie Anderson]
Toys: Images of Hasbro's upcoming Iron Man 3 action figure line, Iron Man Assemblers, have arrived on eBay and give fans a potential preview of some suits that'll show up in the movie this summer. [Toy Ark]
Anime: A giant Lance of Longinus is currently on display in Tokyo's Sky Tree Town in honor of Evangelion 3.0. [Crunchyroll]
Toys: Sideshow Collectibles and Hot Toys have Man of Steel merchandise planned for release... soon. [Toy Ark]
Gaming: The latest footage of One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 shows the Straw Hats using some advanced fighting techniques in Skypiea. [Namco Bandai]