Link Ink: Maria Hill Reports For Movie Duty On ‘The Avengers,’ Lightsaber Candle Sticks And Pajama Jean Grey
Movies: Actress Cobie Smulders reports for duty as Maria Hill on The Avengers set. [MTV]
TV: AMC's The Walking Dead is coming to Netflix. For serious. [NYT]
Events: Toys "R" Us will host a Batman: Arkham City event on October 17, with special guests Kevin Conroy, Jim Lee, and Sefton Hill on hand. There'll also be 500 advance copies of the game around for select fans. [Kotaku]
Gaming: High Moon Studios is working on a followup to Transformers: War for Cybertron called Transformers: Fall of Cybertron and Game Informer say Grimlock on his way. [Joystiq]
Art: The new online issue of The Pictorial Arts Journal includes a pretty robust (and slightly NSFW) Frank Frazetta feature. [Boing Boing]
Novelty: Thinkgeek's lightsaber candle holder is clever, but I imagine they will ruin countless rugs. [TDWG]
Nonsense: Pajama Jeans, meet Pajama Jean Grey. Pajama Jean Grey, meet the Internet. [Tumblr]
Toys: An exclusive DC Direct Batman: Arkham City Joker (Sickened Variant) Figure will be available at NYCC for $20 at the Graphitti Designs booth (#1154). [TNI]