Toys: An exclusive box set of Diamond Select Toys and Art Asylum's The Walking Dead Minimates will be available on Amazon in mid-December. [Art Asylum]

Art: Albert Ching chronicles "The Journey of Mike Wieringo's First Impulse Drawing" in a moving piece remembering the beloved artist. [Newsarama]

Gaming: Capcom's Beeline Interactive is working on a freemium Ghostbusters mobile game, which should arrive on devices in early 2013. [Joystiq]

Auctions: A collection of 44 love letters and original drawings by Charles "Sparky" Schulz to his alleged mistress Tracey Claudius are about to go to auction... although that's a pretty weird thing to want to own, guys. [The Daily Cartoonist]

TV: Things don't look good for Oliver Queen in the midseason finale promo for Arrow. [SHH]

Toys: Street Fighter x Sanrio toys have begun trickling in to online preorder sites, with brick-and-mortar retailers to follow. [BBTS]

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