
Movies: Fox has revealed Trask Industries' spooky Sentinel head from X-Men: Days of Future Past at SDCC. It's evolved quite a bit since the '90s X-Men animated series and even X3. [ScreenCrush]



Toys: Figma's going to put its own spin on The Amazing Spider-Man in December for ¥4,800 (roughly $48 USD). [Tomopop]



(Dog) Toys: Looking for a DC toy that your pet can chew without ruining your life? DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Consumer Products have you covered at retail stores and even this SDCC with a few special edition plushies. [The Source]





Art: There is a Crayola marker maker machine and the world is surely a better place for it. [Gizmodo]


Gaming: How many DC characters can you identify in the new Scribblenauts Unmasked poster? [The Source]

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