12 Facts You May Not Have Known About The Inhumans
Everyone loves comic book trivia, but with decades of comics behind, there’s always some new obscure fact to learn. That’s why ComicsAlliance is going deep into the minutiae of your favorite names in comics in our continuing video series. You think you know comics? Well, here’s a few things you might not know!
This week we're taking a look at the denizens of the hidden city of Attilan, the Inhumans! The Inhumans were one of Jack Kirby's earliest (but not the earliest, as this video will show) takes on the concept of an advanced civilization that was the result of tampering by ancient astronauts, which would have later have thematic echoes with the New Gods, but be reiterated more fully with the Eternals. Marvel has been pushing the Inhumans to much greater prominence in recent years, and setting aside any cynical interpretations of why that might be, this move has brought previously background characters to the foreground. If you find yourself wanting to know more about this mysterious civilization, this video is for you.
Show notes:
- The earliest appearances of the Inhumans in the Fantastic Four and Thor back-ups are collected in The Origin of the Inhumans.
- The critically acclaimed 12-issue series by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee is available here.
- This four-issue Inhumans mini-series from 2000 with art by Jose Ladronn is one of the prettiest things you'll ever lay eyes on (digital edition).
- If you want to see the mid-2000s developments featuring the Inhumans, check out these digital editions of Son of M, Silent War, Secret Invasion: Inhumans, War of Kings, and Realm of Kings.
- For more recent developments, check out Infinity, Inhumanity, and Inhuman. Then Uncanny Inhumans and All-New Inhumans.
- For individual Inhumans, check out Ms Marvel and Karnak.
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