If you drain enough oxygen out of your brain and try to look at some old He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoons, chances are you're going to see something similar to Bruno Santinho's MotU artwork (and I mean that in the best, most complimentary way possible). Seriously, though, Santinho's brilliant, bubbly clusters of shapes breath new life into Tri-Klops and Roboto.
Orko, Webstor and Faker all make appearances in the grid of characters he's shared over on his blog at Quillograma.net. From Stratos' stockings to Mer-Man's drippings, Santinho catches all the little details that were originally injected into these characters, and he does it with bright, vibrant palettes that could make you fantasize about a new animated series with a few less stiff torsos and limbs.

They're all there after the jump, so gaze upon them and ponder the mystical talents that this fellow possesses.

[Via Geek-Art]

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