Marvel’s Netflix ‘Luke Cage’ Will Fight Cornell Cottonmouth in First Episode
Marvel’s Netflix Defenders have let Jessica Jones out of the box a bit by the latest details, but already production may be gearing up on Mike Colter’s Luke Cage, if we’re to have a new series every six months. The first villain Marvel’s hero for hire will face has reportedly been revealed, and should be familiar to Power Man readers.
HeroicHollywood’s Umberto Gonzalez dropped by SchmoesKnow’s “Meet the Movie Press” series, revealing toward the end of the session that Marvel’s “Cottonmouth” would first pop in the Luke Cage pilot as a minor villain, one potentially employed by the series’ big bad (if not connected to Wilson Fisk).
Gonzalez also invoked the “Serpent Society” among Cottonmouth’s affiliation, though worth noting is that the first comic character “Cornell Cottonmouth” emerged in Power Man (Luke Cage) comics as a drug-dealer with super-strength and sharpened gold teeth. A second, unrelated Cottonmouth fought Captain America as part of the Serpent Society (memorably teased as Marvel first revealed its Civil War plans), which may have led to some confusion in the report.
Also worth noting in Cottonmouth’s initial appearances, the villain recruited Luke Cage into heroin trafficking (Cage went in to bust up the ring), something which could well end up tying to Netflix’s Daredevil or Iron Fist, which notably trafficked in a Steel Serpent-branded heroin. Granted, that’s speculation on our part.
Thus far of Netflix’s Luke Cage, we know that Colter will first debut the character in an unspecified number of Jessica Jones episodes (seen to be super-durable as well), before headlining his own series. Cheo Hodari Coker will showrun the third Marvel Netflix drama, believed to be beginning production in the near future.
We’ll keep an ear to the ground, but you can check out the appearance for yourself below (Cage comments begins around 48:30), and stay tuned for the latest on Marvel’s Luke Cage and the other Defenders. Who beside Cottonmouth should put in an appearance?
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