Toei's current fruit-based Kamen Rider series has been represented on toy shelves in its native Japan with a feature-focused "Arms Change" action figure series for several months, but in May Bandai will officially roll out hyper-articulated S.H. Figuarts versions of the titular hero of Kamen Rider Gaim and his rival Kamen Rider Baron.

Gaim and Baron are set to retail for of ¥3800 and are currently available for preorder through online hobby sites for about $45 USD. Japan's Tamashi store is adding a little bit of incentive, however, by offering a special figure stand complete with gold folding screen that will allow collectors to recreate the show's opening sequence.

Though neither figure seems to come with transforming armor like the figures in the Arms Change series (in the show, the heroes summon armor with a thing that looks like a padlock in their belts and an interdimensional rift opens and... a giant piece of fruit lands on a Rider's head before unfolding into samurai-like armor), they look like they've been pulled straight from tokusatsu television. Gaim's got his Daidaimaru and Musou Saber and Baron's got his Banaspear.

Judging from the latest promotional images for Gaim and Baron, it's clear that these releases will be followed with S.H. Figuarts versions of Kamen Rider Zangetsu and Kamen Rider Ryugen down later in 2014, presumably for the same price.

You can check out the upcoming S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Gaim and Kamen Rider Baron action figures below.

 Kamen Rider Gaim

SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Gaim 1
SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Gaim 2
SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Gaim 3


Kamen Rider Baron

SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Baron 1
SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Baron 2
SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Baron 3


Gaim and Baron

SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Gaim and Baron
SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Gaim and Baron 2


[Via Bandai]

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