Super Style: Heroic Shirts, Sweaters And Skivvies [Fashion]
As what's been called "geek culture" continues to flourish within the mainstream, the stigma once associated with being a "nerd" is quickly being replaced with an eagerness to proudly express one's inner geek on her sleeve -- for our purposes, literally! In the world of fashion, high end designers have been pulling inspiration from superheroes and other fantastical fictional characters, not to mention the countless t-shirts, dresses and accessories designed and produced daily about the icons of comics, sci-fi, video games, and more. On a smaller scale, the vitality of crafting communities (such as Etsy, Craftster, and Cut Out + Keep) has provided fans and artisans alike to share and sell their creatively nerdy wares.
Case in point, this collection of superhero t-shirtsand such from clothiers as diverse as Forever 21, Oasap, Sharp Shirter, Target and Wal-Mart.
Catwoman Zig Zag Hem T-shirt, $67, available on Oasap
A Batman Returns-era Catwoman shirt with batwing sleeves? I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier. Coordinate the purrfect ensemble by balancing the loose shape of this top with a black pencil skirt or wetlook tights.
Hammer Time Tee, $15-17, by Sharp Shirter [also available in men's sizes]
For those of us who celebrate Shark Week every week.
Wonder Woman Burnout Top, $15.80 [Forever 21]
The Avengers Terry Pullover (PATSY F***ING WALKER, Y'ALL), $19.80 [Forever 21]
Invincible Iron Man Pullover, $19.80 [Forever 21]
Sleeveless Superman Tee, $13.80 [Forever 21]
Cropped Batman Top, $14.80 [Forever 21]
I think this may be the first time I've ever encountered a Hellcat shirt in an actual store, let alone one that doesn't have a cheesy Girls' Comic Shirt Slogan™ (i.e. "Girls Rule!," "I Only Date Superheroes!") emblazoned across the graphic, so yay!
Spotted at Target: superheroic scivvies [$5.99 each, selection may vary]
Spotted at Wal-Mart: a variety of affordable DC Comics shirts (cheesy slogans included!)