Bruce Campbell Gets Extreme In ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Game [Video]
As minor as Bruce Campbell's various cameo roles may have seemed in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movie trilogy, the actor played a far bigger role in each of the film's video game adaptations. Serving more or less as an omniscient narrator/tutorial guide in each installment, Campbell became as much a fixture in the series as, say, Spider-Man's webbing. That's why it's pretty wonderful to hear that Activision and Beenox have the Evil Dead star returning to serve a similar purpose in The Amazing Spider-Man video game. Since the game acts as a kind of epilogue to Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man film, Campbell plays an original character known as "The Extreme Reporter," a former MMA fighter who now goads Spidey into stunt challenges from the comfort of a boisterous blimp. Instead of cringing at the prospect of swinging from target-to-target to a predetermined time limit, now gamers can look forward to hearing the dulcet tone of Campbell's voice... shouting at them to go faster. You can check out Campbell's The Amazing Spider-Man video game featurette after the cut.