Top Shelf Titles ‘Wizzywig,’ ‘From Hell’ And ‘March Book One’ Are A Steal In New Humble Bundle
Image Comics' Humble Bundle offer, which ended about two weeks ago, was a notable success with tens of thousands of readers naming their price for contemporary comics. Top Shelf Productions is part of the site's newest book offer, which will benefit Doctors Without Borders and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
Buyers can snag three Top Shelf books through the site: March Book One by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell; From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell and Ed Piskor's Wizzywig.
Humble Bundle offers digital downloads of books using a pay-what-you-want model, though paying more can get you more. For example, in this deal, buyers have to spend at least the average amount (right now, a little more than eight bucks) to get From Hell and three other books from other publishers. To get Jam, the novel by video game critic Yahtzee Croshaw, and an anthology about Lovecraft monsters, donors have to spend more than $10.
Ten bucks is major deal; the three Top Shelf books alone would cost $70 at cover price.
The offer lasts two weeks, which means it will wrap up at about midday Wednesday, June 11. The offer page also promises more books are on the way.
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