If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics.

This week we're counting down five of the weirdest stories in Superman history. But let's be honest: there have been thousands of stories starring the Man of Steel since his debut in 1983, and a ton of them are incredibly weird. I could have easily made a top fifty list just from stories published between 1958 and 1962. Instead, with this list I tried to spread the weird love around a little bit and hit a story from five different eras of Superman history and not just five sublimations of Mort Weisinger's neuroses from the Silver Age. If you like this video and would like to see more weird Superman stuff, maybe leave a comment below.

Show notes:

  • If you like weird old Superman, you should check out Jon Morris's blog The Chronological Superman, which examines every piece of Superman media in chronological order.
  • You can read the specific story referenced in number five here, but you should probably start here.
  • You can see a decade-younger Chris Sims write about the story in number four at greater length than I get into here.
  • I talk more about the villain from the number three story in this other installment of Fantastic Five, or read Jon Morris talking about the story here.
  • You can read the story in second place digitally here, or read Chris Sims talk more about it here.
  • The number one story is not currently in print, but you can buy a used copy super cheap here, or you can read Jon Morris talking about it here.


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