If DC Comics needs someone to make cover artwork for a new World War I era or "Gotham by Gaslight" tale anytime soon, they could do a lot worse than inviting Photoshop maestro Danil Polevoy to contribute something. His period Civil War and Victorian mashups of soldiers and well-to-do gentlemen with dinosaurs, Spider-Man, Star Wars and "Watchmen" would look darn convincing to citizens a hundred years ago. Nowadays, we're all a bit more familiar with elaborate image-editing techniques, but this Ukrainian artist's accomplishments are no less impressive.

Aside from showing us what it would look like if Aunt May had posed with Spider-Man before he headed off to fight in in a world war, Polevoy has saddled what appears to be a Union soldier on top of a triceratops, imagined an Avengers vehicle that should totally show up in the new film and given Yoda a much more imposing profile.

Polevoy's website currently seems to be down, but you can see a few of his best 'shop jobs to appear there down below.

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