Team Coco:
Dustin Nguyen throws his full support behind Conan O'Brien with this hilariously awesome illustration of the talk show host. [Robot 6]

Christmas time might be past us, but there's no reason we can't still admire ugly sweaters, especially when they feature Mario so prominently. [Kotaku]

When it comes to responding to fan mail, there is perhaps nobody better to write to than "Ren & Stimpy" creator John Kricfaluski. [Letters of Note]

Ivan Reitman, the director of the original two "Ghostbuster" films, gives a strong verbal confirmation that he will helm the upcoming third installment. My joy knows no bounds. [MTV]


Yet another "Best Comics of 2009" meta-list makes the rounds, this time compiling 130 different lists found online. Asterios Polyp tops the chart. [I Love Rob Liefeld]

"Buffy Season 8" mastermind Joss Whedon responds to last week's spoiler-filled reveal of Twilight's identity. He also uses the word "boned" a lot. [CBR]

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