It's still too early to know for certain, but new photos and video from the Plano, Ill. set of Zack Snyder's Man of Steel seem to indicate that Amy Adams will bear some strawberry blonde hair in the role of Lois Lane, rather than sporting the character's traditional brunette look. Depending on your take on the Daily Planet's star reporter, you might consider her hair color an incidental aesthetic choice, an iconic symbol as important as Superman's "S" shield, or something completely trivial. Among the ComicsAlliance staff, opinions are a bit mixed. How important is the debatable brunette archetype to her character? What might some red add to the heroine's onscreen personality? Does it even matter what she'll look like when the film arrives on June 13, 2013? Check out our reactions after the jump and add your own in the comments.

Laura Hudson: My first reaction is that it seems like a dramatic movement away from the iconic look of the character. I don't like the idea of it.

Caleb Goellner: All I want is for Amy Adams' Lois Lane to sing with cartoons and/or puppets. If she wants to go the Nicki Minaj route and wear a different color wig in every scene, that would be cool with me.

Chris Sims: Lana [Lang] had black hair on Smallville. Honestly, the last thing that matters about Lois Lane is her hair color.

David Uzumeri: If the color of Amy Adams's hair ruins the fictisimilitude of the movie for you, then as a viewer you're definitely missing the forest for the trees. Who cares what color her hair is as long as she gets the character? I'm more concerned about Snyder being behind the lens. Also yes, I just made "fictisimilitude" up, and I love it.

Bethany Fong: L-O-I-S L-A-N-E? That's a weird way of spelling Lori Lemaris.

Chris Haley: So far everyone's hair in this movie is completely wrong. This is worse than Hitler. In fact, this is worse than Mecha-Hitler. I may only camp out to see this at the first midnight showing for a week now instead of the two months I had originally planned.

Share your thoughts on Lois Lane's possible new look in the comments.

[Via SHH]

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