
The Fantastic Four Nativity Scene (and other Nerd Nativities)
The Fantastic Four Nativity Scene (and other Nerd Nativities)
The Fantastic Four Nativity Scene (and other Nerd Nativities)
The Thanksgiving holiday is now behind us, and you know what that means: the stoplight for Christmas insanity has officially turned green, and now every department store, television ad, and song you hear at Starbucks will be unrelentingly focused on our favorite annual holiday of economic consumption and good cheer. We'd like to start out the new season with our tongues firmly in cheek, thanks to these Not-Right Nativity scenes for sale on Etsy. Our personal favorite, below, features Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman as Mary and Joseph, the Thing as a shepherd doing one-handed curls with a sheep, the Human Torch and Silver Surfer as Wise Men, and presumably Franklin Richards as everyone's personal savior.