If you enjoyed his award-winning work on 1000 Steps to World Domination and Sunset City: For Active Senior Living, you'll want to be among the first to read my pal and fellow Austin transplant Rob Osborne's newest project, The Nearly Infamous Zango, shipping next spring.

The twisted wit of Osborne has come up with one doozy of a concept this time. Seems the once-feared supervillian, Lord Alfred Zango, Jr., has developed a strong case of laziness (or is it agoraphobia?) in his old age, forcing him to rely on his acidic wit and not-so-brilliant minions to handle the heavy lifting that comes with terrorizing the fine citizens of Metroville.

Only time and steady orders from Diamond will guarantee Lord Zango's bi-monthly appearances in your LCS. Till March, enjoy this five-page preview and video previewing the further misadventures of the infamous Z man.

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