‘Avengers Academy’ Could Be Coming In 2010
There's a new Avengers title rumored to be in the pipeline at Marvel.
Its name: "Avengers Academy."
Its creative team: writer Christos Gage and artist Mike McKone.
Bleeding Cool editor Rich Johnston made the exclusive announcement yesterday from the Big Apple Comic Con in New York City, but it seems the official news is sparse.Bear in mind that Marvel hasn't made an official announcement, so pretty much everything involving this development could be subject to change. If the book is 100 percent legit, I think the title is pretty cool, if only because it reminds me of the "Police Academy" series of films (and animated series, of course) from my childhood.
BC hazards a guess that the title could replace "Avengers: The Initiative" as a place the next generation of Marvel heroes are trained to serve mankind, but how awesome would it be if Gage were a closet Steve Guttenberg fan?
Never have I so-badly wanted one of my unseemly imaginings to be true...