After being a major focus of recent storylines in Batman, Bane is getting his own twelve-issue series, by two of his co-creators. Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan, who are writing and drawing Bane: Conquest, originally created the character along with Doug Moench, for the "Knightfall" storyline back in 1993. 24 years later, here's what Nolan has to say about returning to Bane:

It’s very exciting to return with Chuck to a character we so love and are so identified with. DC has allowed us to return him to his roots, bring back old friends and create new characters that will rock Bane and Batman’s world. Dixon, Nolan, Bane…what’s not to love?!  This is, without a doubt, going to be the ULTIMATE Bane adventure!

It's an interesting question how much of Tom King's recent work on the character will remain relevant, given the "return him to his roots" plan. Bane: Conquest #1, written by Dixon with art and cover by Nolan, as well as colors by Gregory Wright, comes out May 3.


Art by Graham Nolan
Art by Graham Nolan
Art by Graham Nolan
Art by Graham Nolan
Art by Graham Nolan
Art by Graham Nolan


Here's the official word from DC:

The co-creators of Bane make a triumphant return to the character, with a twelve-issue series that will push him to the limit! Bane is seeking to create a global criminal empire with the help of his original gang, Bird, Trogg, and Zombie. The Man Who Broke The Bat moves beyond Gotham to find new cities to conquer and new enemies to crush. He won’t stop until he stands at the top of the world of crime! For Bane, it’s all about CONQUEST.


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