You Didn’t Think There Wouldn’t Be a Hot Toys Iron Man Figure for Civil War, Did You?
As a fan of Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca's Invincible Iron Man run a few years back, it brings me a tiny bit of joy to see the "Bleeding Edge" armor making its debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, it also brings me a tiny bit of happiness to see that Hot Toys is adapting the new set of Iron Man's armor into die-cast action figure form. While the MK XLVI armor is just the 46th different suit we've seen in the movies, this is something like the 60th Iron Man figure Hot Toys has released since Iron Man hit theaters eight years ago. He's easily the company's most revisited character in that same time span, but I've given up complaining. It's time to embrace the machine.
The MK XLVI is by far one of the sleekest Iron Man designs the MCU has seen, and the slight evolution from the MK XLV at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron is more than just the paint job variation we got with the MK XLII and MK XLIII. The new armor still shares a lot of the design concepts though, but adds in additional lights throughout, which is what gives it that "Bleeding Edge" feel. Instead of just the Arc Reactor, palms, and head lighting up, there are more than two dozen LED lights throughout the figure. They're going to drain the hell out of your battery, but damn won't that look cool all lit up in your display.
Despite being bulky (thanks to the partial die-cast molding), the Iron Man MK XLVI looks like it will have plenty of articulation. The chest plate and fins on the back will also offer some interesting posing options. Hot Toys is also getting into the "practical effect" market now, and is including four different sculpted effects for his palms and feet. There's also a Captain America helmet included to really hammer home the idea that Cap and Iron Man are feuding.
Like the recently announced Battle Captain America, Tony Stark here will come with a diorama base. Also like Captain America's new figure, this base is a retooled version of an existing base from an earlier Hot Toys release; this time the "Evil" Superman from Superman III. It's strange that we don't get to see what the Tony Stark head sculpt looks like, given that RDJ hasn't changed all that much in the past eight years. Perhaps the prototype will feature a bruised and beaten face, and Hot Toys doesn't want to spoil just how badly Steve Rogers smashes his smug face in. Or Marvel is working really hard to keep that act three beard style under wraps.
No pricing or release date details have been shared at this time, but we'll update this post when Sideshow Collectibles has more information.
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